Special Programs & Services
The Osseo Police Department participates in a number of special programs and services to enhance the safety of its citizens and visitors. Click on either program listed on the left side of the page to learn more!
Child Safety Seat Inspections
Child safety seat (car seat) inspections are available to Osseo residents and business owners/employees. Please contact Osseo Police Department at 763.424.5444 to set up an appointment.
The Osseo Police Department offers fingerprinting for anyone who needs their fingerprints taken for employment, adoptions or anything else as required by law. There is a fee of $25.00 per card.
Fingerprinting is by appointment only and is scheduled only on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 1:00p.m. and 5:00p.m. If you need to have your fingerprints taken, call and schedule an appointment with the Osseo Police Department at 763.424.5444 or email Administrative Assistant Felicia Wallgren at fwallgren@ci.osseo.mn.us.
Night to Unite
Usually every year, on the first Tuesday of August, communities throughout the State of Minnesota get together to give crime a going away party.
Sponsored by the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association, AAA, and local law enforcement agencies, Night to Unite celebrates and strengthens neighborhood and community partnerships.
Night to Unite is designed to:
- Get to know one another in your neighborhood;
- Build neighborhood involvement by bringing police and communities together; and
- Bring awareness to crime prevention and local law enforcement efforts!
For more information pertaining to Night to Unite or how to get involved, contact Officer Felicia Wallgren at 763.424.5444 or fwallgren@ci.osseo.mn.us.
This year Night to Unite 2022 is Tuesday, August 2md, beginning at 5:00p.m. and going until 8:00p.m. We will be having a city wide celebration at Boerboom Park/City Hall Campus at the above times. There will be food provided by Max Cakes, yard games, bounce house, music by K2 Light and Sound, demonstrations by Osseo Police and Fire Departments, coloring contest, face painting, a Puppy Bowl sponsored by No Dog Left Behind Rescue, and much more! So come join us, meet your neighbors, and help us give crime a going away party!
Toward Zero Deaths
The Toward Zero Deaths approach is based on the belief that even one traffic-related death on our roads is unacceptable. This “zero deaths” idea was first adopted in Sweden in 1997 as "Vision Zero" and since then has evolved to several state DOTs, including Minnesota, that have identified zero deaths as a core objective in their Strategic Highway Safety Plans.
TZD uses a data-driven, interdisciplinary approach that targets areas for improvement and employs proven countermeasures, integrating application of education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency medical and trauma services (the “4Es”). A combination of strategies from different focus areas is often most effective for solving a particular problem.
The Osseo Police Department participates in the enforcement area of TZD, which emphasizes primarily on speed, distracted driving and seatbelt enforcement. The enforcement is paid for by a grant through TZD. The Brookllyn Park Police Department is the primary grantee and the Brooklyn Center, Champlin, Osseo Police Departments and the Hennepin County Sheriffs Office are partners. Officer Starry is the TZD Coordinator for the Osseo Police Department.
To learn more about TZD, visit http://www.minnesotatzd.org/
Toys for Tots
Every Christmas, the Osseo Police Department partners with local businesses to raise toys for the Toys for Tots - Twin Cities toy drive. We realize that Christmas is not always a fun and exciting time for everyone and that some children go without on Christmas Morning. By raising toys for infants, children and teens, we hope to bring a little light to their lives, as no child should go without on Christmas.
To learn more about Toys for Tots and how you can get involved, visit www.toysfortots.com
Wear The Badge Series
Wear the Badge is a program produced by the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, a nonprofit organization representing chief law enforcement officers across the state. MCPA works to bring the highest quality police services and leadership to the people of Minnesota.
- Offers services for its executive and command staff members, elevating the quality of police leadership to the highest standards possible.
- Keeps members informed through its website, electronic newsletter and quarterly magazine.
- Is recognized as the voice of police executives in Minnesota. The Association represents its members on legislative, regulatory and community issues related to crime, public safety and law enforcement.
- Recognizes the exemplary work of the men and women of Minnesota law enforcement through its annual Awards Program.
- Sponsors the Midwest's largest exhibit of public safety products and services in conjunction with the annual Executive Training Institute.
- Provides peer-to-peer support for new police chiefs, helping to create the future of professional policing in our state.
- Has a statewide commitment to small and large agencies in urban areas and in Greater Minnesota.
- Promotes community relations through activities such as mediation services, guidance for public safety programs, and scholarships for law enforcement students.
- Is the leader in the education and training of Minnesota law enforcement executives and managers.