Administrative Services
The Administration Department links all other operating departments and all city staff with the City Council. The City Administrator is responsible for implementing City Council policies. The City Administrator and other members of the department prepare City Council and EDA agendas and official minutes and keep the Council informed on issues that affect the City. Administration is also responsible for the coordination of elections, licensing, city newsletter, permits, and special assessments.
Shane Mikkelson, Interim City Administrator/Police Chief
Natalie Santillo, City Clerk
For information related to the City Clerk, contact Natalie by email or by phone at 763-425-4064.
Shelly Cisewski, City Accountant
Shelly Cisewski serves Osseo as the City Accountant. Contact Shelly by email or by phone at 763-424-6752.
Alicia Vickerman, Assistant City Administrator
For information related to City Planning, Zoning, or EDA, contact the Alicia by email or by phone at 763-425-1454.
MaryLou Baier, Administrative Assistant
MaryLou Baier serves Osseo as the Administrative Assistant. Contact MaryLou by email or by phone at 763-425-2624, extension 101.