About Osseo

Boards & Commissions

Boards & Commissions

Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Each year the City Council appoints members to various boards and commissions, such as the Economic Development Authority, the Planning Commission, the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Public Safety Advisory Committee, and others. Members may be residents and/or business representatives of these boards, commissions, or committees. 


PSAC: October 7, 2024 at 6:00pm. Click here for the Public Safety Advisory Comittee Packet.


Are you interested in finding out more about city government? Osseo seeks interested people to serve on local boards and commissions. These positions are available:

• Economic Development Authority (EDA) -  1 opening, term expires 12/31/2024
Historical Preservation Committee - No openings
Parks & Recreation Committee - No openings
• Planning Commission - No openings
Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) - No openings

The City values leadership from service-minded individuals. Citizens interested in filling these appointments are asked to submit a letter or statement of interest containing name, address, telephone number, email address, and any other pertinent background information.

Please send your letter of interest addressed to the Mayor and Council, and send it to Attention City Clerk , 415 Central Avenue, Osseo, MN 55369 or by email to cityhall@ci.osseo.mn.us

The following are currently appointed for boards, commissions, and committees: 

Council Appointments:

Osseo Mayor:  Duane Poppe
Acting Mayor:  Juliana Hultstrom
Alternate Acting Mayor:  Mark Schulz
Historical Preservation Committee:  John Hall
Northwest Suburbs Cable Communications Commission: Mark Schulz

Council Committee Appointments:

Arts & Communications Committee:  Mark Schulz and (Vacant)
Budget & Finance Committee:  Duane Poppe and Mark Schulz
Human Resources Committee:  Duane Poppe and Mark Schulz
Intergovernmental Relations Committee:  Juliana Hultstrom and John Hall
Parks & Recreation Committee:  John Hall and (Vacant)
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mark Cook and John Hall
Risk Management Committee:  Duane Poppe and Mark Schulz
Cannabis Committee: Mark Cook and Mark Schulz

Other Consultants & Appointments:

Assessor:  Hennepin County
Assistant Weed Inspector:  Todd Kintzi
Auditor:  BerganKDV
Bond Counsel - Briggs & Morgan
Building Official:  Metro West Inspection Services, Inc.
City Attorney:  Civil - Mary Tietjen (Kennedy & Graven); Prosecution - Berglund, Baumgartner, Kimball and Glaser
Data Practices Compliance Officer:  Vacant
Data Practices Responsible Authority:  Shane Mikkelson
Depositories - Premier Bank Osseo, Edward Jones, Institutional CD's Inc./ICD Securities, Inc. & Multi-bank Securities, Inc. (MBS)
Electrical Inspector - Sloth Inspections
Engineer - WSB & Associates
Financial Advisor - Ehlers & Associates
Financial Management Consultant - Gary Groen
Insurance Provider - City Country Agency/League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust
IT Services - Element Technologies
Official Newspaper:  The Press
Secondart Newspaper: Star Tribune
Personnel Benefit Advisor - National Benefit Consultants
Rental Inspector - Rum River Consultants
Sewer Inspector:  Nick Waldbillig 

Economic Development Authority:

Kenny Nelson (Term Expires: 12/31/25)
Teresa Aho (Term Expires 12/31/24)
Mark Cook (Term Expires 12/31/24)
Duane Poppe (Term Expires 12/31/24)
Nick Torres (Term Expires: 12/31/24)
Mark Schulz (Term Expires 12/31/26)
James Hultgren (Term Expires 12/31/28)

EDA President:  Duane Poppe
EDA Vice-President:  Mark Schulz
EDA Secretary:  Vacant
EDA Treasurer: Kenny Nelson 
EDA Assistant Treasurer:  Teresa Aho
Executive Director: Shane Mikkelson

Planning Commission:

Dee Bonn (Term Expires: 12/31/25)
Ralph Schroeder (Term Expires: 12/31/25)
Kerstin Schulz (Term Expires: 12/31/26)
KC Robinson (Term Expires: 12/31/24)
Chris Carrigan (Term Expires: 12/31/24)
James Hultgren (Term Expires: 12/31/25)
Connie Aho (Term Expires: 12/31/25)

Planning Commission Chair: Kerstin Schulz
Planning Commission Vice-Chair: Vacant

Public Safety Advisory Committee:

Council Appointees:  Juliana Hultstrom & John Hall
Business Appointee:  Mark Cook (term expires 12/31/2024)
Citizen Appointees:  Tom Hartkoff, Kenny Nelson, and Kim Klocek (term expires 12/31/2025)
City Staff Appointees:  Shane Mikkelson & Mike Cogswell

Parks and Recreation Committee:

Council Appointees: John Hall and (Vacant)
Citizen Appointees:  Dee Bonn, Kerstin Schulz, Dori Trossen, Kara Wolf, Dan Penny

Parks and Recreation Committee Chair: Kerstin Schulz
Parks and Recreation Committee Vice-Chair: Vacant

Historical Preservation Committee 

Councilmember and Commission Liaison:  John Hall
Resident Commission member and Co-chair: Patty McLean  (term expires 12/31/26)
Resident Commission member: James Killmer (term expires 12/31/25)
Resident Commission member: Ann Schneider (term expires 12/31/25)
Resident Commission member: Lila Hedlund (term expires 12/31/26)

Shingle Creek & West Mississippi Watershed Management Commissions: John Roach and James Kelly (alternate)